Here we Go

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lunar New Year 2007

Happy New Year~ 身體健康~
First new year without grandma, i miss her, i very miss her...

This year's lunar new year seems come too fast, not like b4 have many times and mood to prepare, i only responsible to wash my clothes and prepare my favourite 全盒 dou feel tired, um...lucky not much ppl will come to visit me ^^

yesterday i've help in charity sales, happy to see them, like a family play together~ nite go jor Victoria Park's flower market with fds, many 吹氣公仔, i haven't buy anything, as my sister bring back a lot, gd gd, i like the 不倒豬, it's funny, i pump it up and always hit it today =P

sister 7:xxam this morning sin back home, so dad and mum said let her sleep and they go to shen zhen, i stay at home to accompany her...she wake up in the afternoon, i've nth do and watch "My Girl" alone~ one day already finished 16 chapters lu, it's quite ok~

also becoz boring, i've help myself to play the Tarot Card...從前有隻貪心既小狗,估唔到類似既牌會由我抽番,而家貪心小狗好似唔再貪心(right?),希望我都會學識放棄,我信我可以...this yr i hope i can be happy and no regret...have u guys accompany, i'll be ok, thx for listen to me, especially my old fds, pinky and wendy

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


finally finished my 15x5 days, very atmosphere yau not gd, many helpful colleagues leave jor, feel bad~ also, not enough sleep, no mood to do other things~ next week sin start to open turbo again~ to prevent myself look bad, i've more skin care, not bad, as i no need do any make up

"Love yourself, to be the prettiest" --- Cozy
ya, i buy jor earrings and hair accessories there for myself and bday present for my colleague, the things are beautiful and difficult to choose, long time haven't buy these kind of things, i'm busy =P somtime take care myself dou quite gd, but the day i tie up my hair to fit the scarf, my team leader asked y u look so funny? um....i not look more neat? anyway, if have time i'll take care myself more, first thing is sleep more

suddenly want study back design...amanda invite me go to a design exhibition, hope next week have time to go~ monday will go to financial planner career talk with her too, although haven't think of change to this field, but listen ha dou ho~ these days always meet her, gd~ i miss u guys

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tibet this yr?

b4 plan to go to Tibet this yr Apr/May, core leave dou take jor, my colleague suddenly said thinking to take a course fr Feb-Jun, but not yet decided, suddenly dun want go, once think of the preparation stuff then will feel headache, also dun want push my colleague so harsh, suddenly feel very ma fan, i dun want the trip affect the exam in Jun, i'm very angry, little bit is feel like being fly aeroplane, but mainly is i angry with myself, um...i want go with others, maybe tmr cc which month i can put my core leave sin~

charity sales

long time haven't write dairy, as i'm toooo lazy, yesterday want write, but my PC has some problem, fix jor whole use eng write back, can quicker and then start my work again~

b4 plan running today, but my fd sudden called and asked me help in charity sales, yau haven't run lu, ooo...marathon...can i complete the 10km? um....a gd the charity sales it's happy, as i like to sell things and meet different ppl, my fd sudden ask me to wear 雲南小數民族 clothes, first really feel ugly and embarrassed, standing in cwb street...but after a while feel more comfortable, it really can attract ppl go to see our things...dou worth gei, hee...i've taken off my glasses and haven't wear con, as i dun want to c ppl clearly, it'll be my gd memory...tmr will check check my schedule, hope fri i can have dinner with them~ i like the time with them, can let me take a break, a hug and add oil together for a thing, it's very warm and great feeling~

last time go to my fd's balloon workshop, suddenly like to 扭波, it's a gd method to make children happy, with some twists, then a new figure will be created, you can make whatever you like with the balloon...i will practice more, my balloon dog and rabbit...

last week i buy jor 宮、惡作劇之吻、惡魔在身邊、我們結婚吧 DVD, very nice, now watched jor 2, i like the sound track of 惡作劇之吻, quite nice~

ho la, ng write lu, continue my work, ooops....