Here we Go

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lunar New Year 2007

Happy New Year~ 身體健康~
First new year without grandma, i miss her, i very miss her...

This year's lunar new year seems come too fast, not like b4 have many times and mood to prepare, i only responsible to wash my clothes and prepare my favourite 全盒 dou feel tired, um...lucky not much ppl will come to visit me ^^

yesterday i've help in charity sales, happy to see them, like a family play together~ nite go jor Victoria Park's flower market with fds, many 吹氣公仔, i haven't buy anything, as my sister bring back a lot, gd gd, i like the 不倒豬, it's funny, i pump it up and always hit it today =P

sister 7:xxam this morning sin back home, so dad and mum said let her sleep and they go to shen zhen, i stay at home to accompany her...she wake up in the afternoon, i've nth do and watch "My Girl" alone~ one day already finished 16 chapters lu, it's quite ok~

also becoz boring, i've help myself to play the Tarot Card...從前有隻貪心既小狗,估唔到類似既牌會由我抽番,而家貪心小狗好似唔再貪心(right?),希望我都會學識放棄,我信我可以...this yr i hope i can be happy and no regret...have u guys accompany, i'll be ok, thx for listen to me, especially my old fds, pinky and wendy


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