Here we Go

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tibet this yr?

b4 plan to go to Tibet this yr Apr/May, core leave dou take jor, my colleague suddenly said thinking to take a course fr Feb-Jun, but not yet decided, suddenly dun want go, once think of the preparation stuff then will feel headache, also dun want push my colleague so harsh, suddenly feel very ma fan, i dun want the trip affect the exam in Jun, i'm very angry, little bit is feel like being fly aeroplane, but mainly is i angry with myself, um...i want go with others, maybe tmr cc which month i can put my core leave sin~


At 12:30 AM, Blogger WHY said...

arrange another trip with other friends la~~~

dont waste the leave ^o^

At 11:56 PM, Blogger angel said...

i'll wait my colleague start the first lesson in late Feb sin decide~
haa...if ng go trip dou ho, then i can take a course in Apr ^^


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